
Theme I. Political analysis of cyberhate and youth


From “Profets of Deceit” to cyberhate
Pr. Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun – Université Paris Diderot – Laboratoire du Changement Social et Politique

Status Relations and the Changing Face of Extremism in the United States Since 1960
Pr. James Hawdon  Centre for Peace and Violence Prevention  Virginia Tech  Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

Conspiracy theories and their reception by the young people: an ethno-methodological approach
Wajdi Limam – Doctorant – Cresppa  Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis

Youth and religions
Charles Mercier  Université de Bordeaux (ESPE/LACES)


Theme II. The involvement of the young people in cyberhate


Cyberhate and Coping Strategies among French secondary school students in France – racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia
Pr. Catherine Blaya, URMIS – CAPEF  Université Nice Sophia Antipolis[1]

Cyberhate bullying and cyberbullying: correlational risk factors for intervention perspectives.
Pr. Anna C. Baldry & Anna Sorrentino, Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples, Italy 

Mediated perceptions of the 'Other': use of extremist and mainstream information sources and religious outgroup perceptions.
Elke Ichau & Leen d’Haenens, PhD., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Louvain, Belgique

Presentation of “Seriously” an online platform to defuse cyberhate in SNs and other social media
M. Guillaume Buffet, Administrateur de Renaissance Numérique, Créateur de SERIOUSLY

Status Relations, Exposure to and Participation in Online Extremism in the United States
Pr. James Hawdon  Centre for Peace and Violence Prevention  Virginia Tech- Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

Ethnic-cultural and sexual minorities and majorities in schools and their involvement in bullying and cyberbullying
Vicente J. Llorent, PhD. Universidad de Córdoba  Espagne

Online Hate at the Age of Uncertainty
Pr. Atte Oksanen university of Tempere – Finland

Countering online hate speech
Rachel Pollack Ichou

Social Media and Youth Radicalization in the Digital Age
Rachel Pollack Ichou

Exposure to Online Hate and its Consequences
Pr. Pekka Räsänen – Social Sciences department – University of Turku – Finland

Misuse of personal data in the context of friendship 2.0
Anca Velicu, Monica Barbovschi, Bianca Balea, PhD., Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy - Romania

Multicultural schools facing bullying and cyberbullying: strategies for prevention and intervention
Izabela Zych, PhD. Universidad de Córdoba – Espagne

[1] Avec Aurélie Dumond, Alessandro Bergamaschi et Rania Hanafi (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis), Jean-François Bruneaud (Université de Bordeaux), Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun (Université Paris Diderot).

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